Welcome to the Lavish Lounge
Tasty snippets from the Creative Services World, the Lavish world, the virtual world and even the real world.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Pick Me Up
Our lovely Clementine Mitchell is running a workshop on 29 April at at Somerset House.
Go along between 6pm and 8pm in the evening to join in the fun and take the challenge to create a portrait entirely from different fonts and letter stamps in this free session which celebrates the Pick Me Up: Contemporary Graphic Art Fair.
Monday, 5 April 2010
The disposable memory project
The disposable memory project are leaving disposable cameras around the world, for people to pick up take photos and pass on. Then when the cameras are returned home their stories are published.
Cameras have been released and returned from all over the world. Camera 184 was released on July 10, 2009 in Narita Airport, Japan and returned August 11, 2009 from Shanghai, China. Camera 160 was released on June 19, 2009 in Swansea, Wales and returned from Greenland on July 24, 2009.
The disposable memory project is creating a wonderful crowdsourced photolibrary.
Cameras have been released and returned from all over the world. Camera 184 was released on July 10, 2009 in Narita Airport, Japan and returned August 11, 2009 from Shanghai, China. Camera 160 was released on June 19, 2009 in Swansea, Wales and returned from Greenland on July 24, 2009.
The disposable memory project is creating a wonderful crowdsourced photolibrary.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Luxury Vandals

It's been a very long time indeed! We've been very busy this year, working on our current clients and developing our Not for Profit offer. Unfortunately this has meant that we haven't devoted much time to The Lavish Lounge.
But, we're going to change that in 2010.
For now, here's a little look on the above at something we bought today. It's a beautiful piece, which takes the Louis Vuitton insignia as its starting point. Originally released for the Japanese market, a few were kept back for release in the UK.
Technical details:
10 colour screenprint with watercolour washes, spraypaint background and metallic gold on the 'I / L V' + varnish
300 gsm Fabriano paper
56 x 56 cm
Signed and embossed
Edition: 20
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Helping British Talent take off

British Airways,
Great Britons,
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Uterus product recall

Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Designs of the year

Design Museum
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Carbon Disclosure

Sunday, 30 November 2008
Reasons to be Cheerful

Graphic Design
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Common Craft videos.
I really like the work that the two guys at Common Craft are doing. Through the use of short, entertaining videos, they make really complex subjects easily understandable. All of the videos use a white board and paper style of production, and copies are available to share online. For commercial purposes you can license hi-res versions, or even commission Common Craft to make a bespoke video.
I like their philosophy of keeping the company small and the quality high, and am looking forward to future productions.
Common Craft,
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Goodness and Happiness
The one thing we all know from the credit crash is that the way we do business will change. When we come out of the other side of this financial crisis we will have a new breed of organisation and a new way for brands to operate and communicate. Many old, slow and lumbering business will fall by the wayside. In fact, we're already seeing that happen.
This presentation by Neil Perkin really sums up for me how businesses that are more open and honest and even generous will have better interactions with their customers. In a hyper-connected world the next generation businesses have a unique opportunity to really interact with the world in a totally different way.
Do schools kill creativity?
Why don't we get the best out of people? Sir Ken Robinson argues that it's because we've been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. Students with restless minds and bodies -- far from being cultivated for their energy and curiosity -- are ignored or even stigmatized, with terrible consequences. "We are educating people out of their creativity," Robinson says. Robinson's point is well-made, and difficult not to agree with.
A visionary cultural leader, Sir Ken led the British government's 1998 advisory committee on creative and cultural education, a massive inquiry into the significance of creativity in the educational system and the economy, and was knighted in 2003 for his achievements.
I saw this brilliant film yesterday. It's nearly 20 minutes long, so get comfortable and watch to the end - it is one of the most inspiring speeches I have ever seen. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did. You can
download it to your desktop if you want it to run faster.
Source: TED
Ken Robinson,
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Website launch

Interior design,

Friday, 14 November 2008
Busy-ness as usual
The past few weeks
A busy few weeks as usual at Lavish Towers. We’ve been doing some video and sound editing for the IWM. We delivered 16 bespoke typefaces and helped one of our clients with some artwork and print consultancy work for a product brochure. We delivered some roadshow materials for a major communications organisation and are part way through a Flash website for an interior design company.
In the next few weeks we’ve got a heap of InDesign templates coming up, some more print work for Public Concern at Work and a website for an amazing creative concepting team.
So pretty much business as usual for our studio. We never know from one day to the next what we might be asked to do. But it’s all in a days work for one of London’s leading creative services studios.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Web 2.0 women

Fast Company,
Web 2.0
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Degrees of separation

Friday, 7 November 2008
Showcasing Australian Creativity

True to type

Comic Sans,
Made by Many,
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Facebook facts

Saturday, 25 October 2008
Putting the sans in Comic Sans

Comic Sans,
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Big Stories Blog
We have recently launched a dedicated blog to support our Big Stories campaign, and to provide insight into great campaigns and news in the not-for-profit/third sector.
Lavish has strong not-for-profit, brand, marketing and direct response experience. We have worked with leading charities, including Crisis, Public Concern at Work and the Carbon Disclosure Project, as well as some smaller ones throughout our careers.
Big Stories is our dedicated not-for-profit campaign, showcasing our specialist offer and experienced team.
If you want to find out more about Big Stories it has it's own website . The site is currently undergoing a design and content refresh, so it will change slightly over the coming weeks, with new content being added all the time.
Lavish Big Stories blog
Big Stories,
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Slugs have 4 noses.
Owls are the only birds who can see the colour blue.
In 1386, a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child
No centipede was ever found with 100 hundred legs.
Octopus have 2 legs and 6 arms.
Ergophobia is a fear of work.
Our eyes are always the same size from birth. that’s why some babies look like frogs.
The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.
The flea can jump 350 times its body length
A cockroach will live nine days without it’s head, before it starves to death.
Butterflies taste with their feet.
An ostrich’s eye is bigger than it’s brain.
Starfish don’t have brains.
Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.
You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider?
Right-handed people, on average, live nine years longer than left-handed people
Polar bears are left-handed.
Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.
In ancient Egypt, Priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes.
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.
Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
Every time you lick a stamp, you’re consuming 1/10 of a calorie.
You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.
Cartoon from Savage Chickens
Nonsense from Karlology

Karl Pilkington,
Savage Chickens
Friday, 3 October 2008
We're moving

Lavish Lounge
Changing online behaviour to cope with credit crunch
There's some interesting research on how the credit crunch is affecting UK internet behaviour.
The findings highlight three key areas in which UK online behaviour has started to adapt.
1. Consumers are searching for cheaper prices online
No surprise there then that UK consumers are increasingly using price comparison and other discount websites to find the cheapest deals online. Following a 2 year decrease in traffic levels, UK Internet visits to retail price comparison sites increased by 20% between July 2007 and 2008.
Similarly, searches for the summer sales have trebled this year compared with last, while consumers searching for discount vouchers have led to a 130% increase in traffic to specialist voucher websites.
2. Property searches have fallen, but traffic to House and Garden retailers has reached a new high
The credit crunch has hit online estate agents hard: in August 2007, websites in Hitwise's Business and Finance - Property category accounted for 0.85% of all UK Internet visits, but last month (August 2008) this figure fell to 0.55%.
Falling demand for houses is mirrored by consumer search behaviour, with UK Internet searches for 'houses for sale' down 53.1% between August 2007 and August 2008.
At the same time, the share of UK Internet visits to websites in Hitwise's Shopping and Classifieds - House and Garden category increased from 0.49% in August 2007 to 0.59% in August 2008, overtaking the Business and Finance - Property category on the way.
One of the factors behind the success of House and Garden retailers online has been the increase in online DIY queries, as UK consumers look to improve their accommodation on a budget.
UK Internet searches for the top 10 DIY-related 'how to' queries have increased by 25% over the last 12 months. In August 2008 the top DIY search was 'how to plaster', followed by 'how to lay decking' and 'how to wallpaper'.
3. Consumers are shunning ethical consumerism in favour of energy efficiency
UK Internet searches for ethical consumer products such as fair trade and organic have not increased over the last 12 months, but searches for energy efficiency terms, such as 'loft insulation', 'underfloor heating' have more than doubled over the last 12 months. Similarly, UK Internet traffic to the websites of gas and electricity providers has also doubled over the same period, as consumers hunt to find the best deal.
Find out more about this research Net Imperative
Source: Hitwise
Net Imperative,
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Metrotwin is live

British Airways,
Social Media
Monday, 29 September 2008
The Sewerside Chronicles

Glastonbury Festival,
Tim Lay
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