Welcome to the Lavish Lounge

Tasty snippets from the Creative Services World, the Lavish world, the virtual world and even the real world.

Friday, 14 November 2008

Busy-ness as usual

The past few weeks A busy few weeks as usual at Lavish Towers. We’ve been doing some video and sound editing for the IWM. We delivered 16 bespoke typefaces and helped one of our clients with some artwork and print consultancy work for a product brochure. We delivered some roadshow materials for a major communications organisation and are part way through a Flash website for an interior design company. In the next few weeks we’ve got a heap of InDesign templates coming up, some more print work for Public Concern at Work and a website for an amazing creative concepting team. So pretty much business as usual for our studio. We never know from one day to the next what we might be asked to do. But it’s all in a days work for one of London’s leading creative services studios.

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